Friday 11 November 2011

Horror film directors: Charlotte

Directors that direct horror films

Takashi Shimizu directed 'The grudge'
He makes use of lighting effects, and in particular darkness, and shot types-especially close up quick cuts. He also makes use of high pitched sound via music and props such as mirrors and CCTV cameras, this makes the victim feel targeted, bullied and in danger even when the other character is not near them. I have included a screen shot of a shot used in this film to great show the use of close up shots within the film, this shot shows the woman hiding under her covers, then seeing someone crawl into bed with her, pull her down and when she lifts up the covers, there she is- shown through a quick cut close up and very high pitched music.

Danny Pang directed 'The Eye' He makes use of typical frightening or unusual scenes such as a hospital and also quick cuts are used to scare the viewer. Danny pang also makes use of CCTV camera footage, which is similar to 'The Grudge'. I have included a screen shot of this to show how it is used, the reason why it is used is because the footage can be shown as what is or isn’t there. The woman can see a man standing in the corner of the elevator, but when she looks at the footage, there is nothing there. This makes the audience wander, if he is just a figment of her imagination.

Wes Cravan directed 'The Hills Have Eyes'
He makes use of frightening scenes such as mountains by using the darkness of the rocks and the lightness from where the sun hits the rocks- by being up so high the mountains thrill the audiance as they are dangerous to fall from or stumble on. Other conventions Wes Cravan uses are the holes in the mountain, the deserted scene and lighting used within these areas, especially darkness when used in holes. Wes Craven uses more gruesome props and ideas such as ligaments being torn off and lots of blood!

Tommy Lee Wallace directed 'IT' This film in particular is important to our opening sequence as we have also based the protagonist upon a clown like figure. He makes use of sound, which is usually high pitched and lighting, bright quick cuts and flashing images to scare the viewer. I have added the trailer to the movie so that as a group, we can view the way Tommy Lee Wallace directs the film and makes it effective.

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