Thursday 3 November 2011

Analysing our Research: Jade

We will use tense and eerie music and try to create a signature theme tune in our opening sequence as the majority of the participants who completed our questionnaires, said that both improved their enjoyment and effect to a horror film. 
Most agreed that flashing lights, flashing images and fast paced cuts would be more effective in a horror film so they would be conventions we would try to include.
We will be using a floating camera as most participants agreed that seeing some of the scenes through a characters eyes adds fear, which is the intention of a horror film.
The main character will be the victim rather than the "bad guy" who will be a human like figure and as most people preferred as such to play the "bad guy" role in a horror. A human like figure meaning something along the lines of a clown or a doll etc.
We shall be using fast paced camera work as this was agreed to be most effective and will be using the setting of a mental hospital as this was agreed to be the most horrific background/setting.
Our film will be a hybrid as peoples favourite genre was mostly a thriller so there will be thriller elements in the opening sequence as well as horror. And we will use the main font and titles to add to the effectiveness of the genre.
We will include all of these things in our opening sequence so as to meet to needs and wishes of our target audience.

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