Tuesday 6 December 2011

Locations: Charlotte

Photographs and footage of locations
When filming we decided to go to a local forest near Jade's house- an actor. This was convenient for everyone as it was close by so did not waste money on travel and if we needed to re-film it would be easy to access the same area. By filming everything in one place, we saved time and money so that we could spend more on preparation with buying props and coming up with ideas. 

We decided to film the girl running away in the area where there are fewer trees close by, this is so that Jade can run fast without worrying about falling over and hurting herself on a tree- Health and safety.

As the camera looks down at the clown, we made sure that we can see bark and bits of chipped wood, this could add to the effect of breaking sticks as the young girl ran from her fear- the clown.

This is footage of the girl turning around to see the clown standing, watching her. Every time she turns around, the settings change and the clown gets closer, but is standing there. We decided to change the settings slightly, for example, having one branch in a new shot where it is not there in another.

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